Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Worship Wednesday 2008

What a year 2007 has been! Among my varied accomplishments, I started blogging here, began my own blog, and recently became the web-master for our church website. Not too shabby for someone who had not been on the internet at all before October 2006. To God be the glory, for He has given me the mind to grasp the skills needed to progress in the computer arena.

Hubby and I closed out 2007 and started 2008 rejoicing and praying the new year in. We attended a Watch Night service at a near by church. You can read about it over at my place. I posted there last night after we got home. Several area congregations came together for the service. The Word of God was powerful and convicting. And the fellowship, food, and fun was exceptional. Nothing like celebrating as a community for Christ.

Seems like I always do a little personal inventory this time of year. And I always find both blessings and shortages. If I started blogging the blessings at this moment, I would still be posting them in months to come. God has granted so many, I can't recall them all. As for the shortages; I thank God that the list is not nearly as long as the blessings one. But I don't want to divulge them at this time. Would rather keep this a positive post. (smile)

So, I close this post with the challenge that was set forth to those in attendance last night. "Break out of your comfort zone in 2008. Get involved in real Kingdom work and reach this world for Jesus." And my personal request of you; BLOG YOUR BLESSINGS.

May God richly bless you all throughout the coming year. Happy New Year.

1 comment:

Ms. Kathleen said...

What a great and encouraging post! I like that - BLOG YOUR BLESSINGS! Hallelujah!