Thursday, July 12, 2007

Prayer Request!!


Diane and her family need urgent intercessory prayer for their son, Curt. There is strength in numbers. Let's bombard heaven for their needs today. I'm sure you would do the same for me and have throughout my own trials. She is family. Leave her some encouragement on her blog and let her know we are here and we care!


Diane Viere said...

Oh, Cindy, my friend--how you have comforted my heart and blessed my very soul today!

I cherish your support and prayers.


Lisa said...

Hi Cindy,

Very nice of you to ask for prayer for Diane and her family during this difficult time. I have been over to visit with her already. Must be so scary! I'm praying!

Hope this finds you and your family well! We just got back from a relaxing vacation and are back to work tomorrow...yikes, then all the chaos begins once again. It was nice while it lasted ;)

How's your job going??

Take care and God bless!

Cathy said...

Praying for Diane and her son Curt.

Welcome to Revgalblogpals also.