Wednesday, October 18, 2006


11:50 p.m. and just finished a long file. Yippeee, I got more work waiting in the wings for tomorrow. Thank God for work!

Just a reminder: Be sure and check in over at Violet Voices for my latest post there, entitled "The Boss is In." Also, Gina over at Writer...Interrupted, the other blog I write for is starting a Carnival of Christian writers. Go here to participate.

Also, be on the lookout for a few guest appearances here and there. You just never know who might turn up sipping Coca-Cola or coffee beneath my wonderful wreath. Soon I will be celebrating my one year blogging anniversary. Can you believe that?

If you haven't stopped by here before or in a long while, take time to browse around. There are some oldie but goodie posts throughout the year that I think you'll like. Remember to visit my friends' blogs over there in the sidebar. And please do send your friends on over. I love finding new blogs to read.

Midnight and all's well. G'nite friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st Blogiversary! Just stopping by with a hug and hello for my friend.