Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Oil of Joy for Mourning

Mama’s Triumph

The door closed quietly behind her
As Death crept with silent feet--
Ending a lifetime of memories,
The album now complete.
Leaving behind love's legacy,
Children close in prayer--
Sorrow's arms enfold them
Yet Mercy has met them there.
For in the dawn of this new day,
They see beyond earth's realm
A ship that's headed out to sea
Our Father at its helm.
He's guiding her to safety
As onward her vessel lists
Til anchored safe at heaven's gate,
Home rising from the mist.
No more sorrow; no,no more pain
Only joyous victory;
Death must now accept defeat
For all of eternity.

--Cynthia H. Green


Anonymous said...

I loved your Mother - She would be so proud to know you are using one of your gifts this way.

C. H. Green said...

Thank you for your kind words. When the rejection calls mount up, I will go back and read this post. I'm thankful that my poetry has encouraged someone else today. It reinforces my belief that all things happen for a reason. Have a great day!

Lisa said...

Beautiful! Wow-this is fantastic. It's weird that you are posting this the same time I'm posting my depression on mine.

God works in mysterious ways!

May God continue to work in and through you!

ps-how's the home business going?

C. H. Green said...

Still plugging it on the internet. Having a hard time getting it off the ground. I faxed my resume to a transcription company this morning. I hope that works out. I have about 3 weeks left to figure out what to do. The answer has to be on the way!

Dana said...

That is beautiful! You should submit it somewhere. Try a poetry competition.