Monday, October 01, 2007

Review of My Life Unscripted.

Tricia Goyer has a new book out that is an awesome tool for ministering to young teens and adults. It's called My Life Unscripted, and it's nonfiction.
I read the book in one night, but it can be used as an excellent teaching series broken down in chapters. In it, Tricia speaks to the hearts of women young and old alike about the heartaches and pitfalls that come from living a life unscripted--and the difference letting God have control makes.
The chapters are formatted much like a movie script with various scenes from the author's own experience. Fade in to Tricia as a young unwed mother. Fade out. You get my drift. I think it is a novel approach that has a broad appeal.
On a deeper level, her book ministered to me and convicted me. It spoke to me about how I need to take my hold off the reins of my life and let God. I think all of us can identify with the feelings and thoughts in this book, regardless of whether we have had the same exact experiences. Kudos to you, Tricia! May God bless you for sharing. And God bless and minister to all those who are challenged by your book.

1 comment:

Tricia Goyer said...


Thanks so much for sharing my book and I with your readers!
