Sunday, September 07, 2008

Talked to God Today--

And He wanted me to tell you that He loves you beyond anything you could ever comprehend. He has a definite plan for your life that He wants you to fulfill. It may not be an easy road. It may not be always joyful and fun, but at the end of the journey there is peace and life if you follow Him with all of your heart. He says whatever problem you are facing, He is the answer. To come to Him with a trusting spirit, and He will work it out.

He said to tell you that He knows you've been hurt, that the ways of the world have tried to pull you down and make you feel less of a man. But He has you in the palm of His hand. He created you. He knows every detail of your life. And all He wants is to fellowship with you, His prized creation. He says He knows you've become skeptical and hardened in your faith because you have not seen men who are true to their convictions. But He says to tell you, they are there. There are a faithful few. That the gospel is real and His word has not changed. There may be men who speak His word whose lives do not live up to what they speak. But He is saying to you, if it is my Word, it is true, no matter which messenger brings the message. It is not the messenger that is important. It is the message. You must seek Truth. And you must seek it out for yourself.

He wants you to know that He is the one true God and the only one whose judgement matters. Anyone else who judges you does not have all the facts. They do not know the secrets of your innermost soul. But He knows. He says to look neither to the right nor to the left, but look above. The man on your right may not be serving God. The man on your left may have his own agenda too. But God has your ultimate good at heart. You are His creation and He wants to walk with you and give you the desires of your heart. But you must be willing to let go of some things. For he who would lose his own life will save it in the end.

Let go of the anger. It is as destructive as cancer. It will eat your soul until there is nothing left to give anyone else. Let it go. Forgive as I have forgiven you. Forgive and I will forgive. Let go of pride. False pride makes fools of men when they fall. Let go of the hurt. Give it to me, He says. Pour it all out at my feet as a sacrifice unto me. Humble your heart before me, and I will come to you and heal you. I will take it and do a new work within you. If you trust me. Let go of fear. Fear has no place in your life. Fear is for the judgment I have reserved for the wicked. They shall fear and tremble in the awesome and terrible day of my coming. But if you love me and keep my word, you have nothing to fear. You are my beloved. I desire to bless you if you will let me.

Where are my chosen ones? Where are the ones who will obey me and walk upright before me? Where have you hid yourselves? Is it because there is sin in your heart? Did you not realize that I would know it dear one. I knew it before the world began. I do not want you to have this burden on your life. I sent my only begotten as a payment for this sin. Accept it. But when you accept the forgiveness of the blood, honor and respect this as I have given you my best. Honor me with your life, so that I may joy in the work of my hands and not repent of my creation, as I did in the day of Sodom. Behold I stand at your door and knock. My greatest longing is to dwell within you. Let me fill the emptiness with my love. You will never regret it


Anonymous said...

I have been reading since 2006, and this is a great post. Great message.

C. H. Green said...

Is this Gretchen Lavender? Or another Gretchen? If so, I have missed your comments and your blog.Thanks for continuing to stick with me. :) Have a blessed day.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is wonderful! God bless you. Keep up the great work.
Hugs, Sandy